
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Cowboy Puppies and Rocking Horses

Remember this little beauty I started at Camp Stitchalot over the weekend?  I had finished putting the quilt top together during camp and I just loved how it turned out! 
Who doesn't love puppies and rocking horses and cowboys?  I know Little Bear certainly liked this print and he was the one that insisted it come home with us instead of being left abandoned on JoAnn's Red Tag shelf. 
Since I had made such great progress on getting the quilt top finished over the weekend, I didn't want to loose momentum on it and so Monday morning while Little Bear was preoccupied emptying my kitchen cupboards, I managed to get the quilt all basted and ready for quilting. 
Then between nap time Monday afternoon, Monday evening after Little Bear went to bed and a little time on Tuesday morning, I managed to get it all quilted and bound!  Tuesday evening, I snuck outside before the sun went down and managed to get some good photos of the finished quilt. 
 Even thought I do love the look of a quilt in the snow with pine trees in the background, I'm wishing I would say this picture was taken back in January and not the last week in March! 
 I quilted it using a simple straight line quilt pattern which I think really helps to set off the whole top.  I had found this fantastic brown swirly print that I just love for the backing on this quilt. 
And yes, sadly that is FRESH powdery snow on the quilt. 
If you like this quilt or know someone who might, you will soon be able to find it listed in my Etsy shop!  :)

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