I'm browsing through Pinterest and what should I stumble upon but the cutest little practical idea of making a taggy shopping cart handle cover!! Jenni at "Snippets Of My Family, Faith & Crafting" Blog has this great (and very easy to follow) tutorial (located
here) on how to make one! I loved this idea and as little Bear gets squirmier and squirmier on our shopping trips, I thought this would be perfect. I found this lovely robot flannel while on a shopping trip to JoAnn's and just knew it would be perfect for this project. I used a bright green fleece I had in my left overs stash for the back and some miscellaneous ribbons I had laying around for the taggies. From start to finish, it maybe took me 1 1/2 hours to do this and I think it turned out great!! I can't wait to try it out and see how well my little Bear likes it on our next shopping trip! :)
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