
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Family Growth Chart

For some time now, there has been one item on my project bucket list that I just never seemed to get around to even though I really wanted to make it.  Well I have finally gotten around to it!  
As a little girl, I remember how much fun it was to have our heights measured and marked on that one special door frame in my mom's pantry.  I loved the thrill of seeing myself getting taller and taller and even eventually out-growing my mom and a couple of my sisters!  I really wanted to have that for my little family.  Although, marking a door frame probably isn't the best idea for me to do since (a) we live in an apartment and (b) we most likely are not going to stay in the same apartment or home or location for the entire time that Little Bear is growing up.  Hence, enter the idea for a movable and portable growth chart (inspired by Pinterest of coarse)!  I bought all of the supplies back in October of 2012 and they have just been sitting around every since.  I had a couple of days off at the start of August with no plans to go anywhere or do anything (except start the potty training process with Little Bear), so I knew it was time to pull out everything and whip it all together (during nap time - when else!).  I used a 12 inch wide and 6 foot long board for the growth chart.  Wanting it to almost have a barn board look but without all of the slivers, I stained it a grey color.  I went over the board with a top coat of clear vanish to give it a bit of a finished look.  To finished it off, I just lined up and applied the vinyl decals I had, marked the right height on the wall and mounted the board, and done!  
Naturally, I forgot to get a picture of it before I hung it up in the hallway where the lighting and angle is just terrible, but you get the idea!  Yay for one more project off the bucket list!  Now too bad that about 10 more have been added!

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