
Friday, February 28, 2014

Quiet Books - A Finish and WIP?

Even with the extremely cold weather we have been having this week (I'm talking negative double digits!), I've still managed to somehow keep the Little Bear entertained.  While he was entertained by either emptying all my kitchen cupboards within reach or by making his dinosaurs tromp through some playdough, I managed to make some pretty good headway on two quiet books on my project list.  They aren't done and won't be for a while since I haven't made even half of the pages I have planned.  And I know it's Friday and which is customarily the day when finished projects from the week are posted.  But I couldn't resist sharing a small sneak peak of what I do have done on them thus far. 
Back in 2012, I made my first quiet books - 3 of them (one for my son and one for each of my two nephews at that time).  You might remember me blogging about it here. Well since then, I haven't had a chance or time to made another one until now.  And now I'm making two!  One is going to be for a special little girl's 2nd birthday.  I'm loving the chance to play with pinks, purples, flowers and lace for a change.  The second one is for a dear friend's son's first birthday later this year.
I'm using some similar page designs that I used in the original quiet books I made, but I'm also switching out some pages for some new ideas to make each book special for the receivers.  I have all of the pages cut out (10 pages plus the covers) and thus far, I have the covers and the first three pages completely done for both books with work started on pages 4 & 5. 
One fun thing about making a new version of a project I made some time ago, is I've been able to see a real improvement in my designing and sewing skills. Hurray!  I guess practice does make perfect - or at least an improvement which is all a girl can hope for anyways.
Stay warm my friends! 


  1. These are beautiful Maggie! Would you ever post these on Etsy? ;)

    1. Thank you! I love how these two are turning out thus far. I have thought about putting quiet books into my Etsy shop but they are quite time consuming so I'm hesitant to do so. For now though, I would consider it if it was a custom/special order. :)
