
Friday, March 28, 2014

Tackle Bag - Take 2

Between the left ofter sense of productivity I felt from having spent last weekend at Camp Stitchalot and having a few rough days with Little Bear with week and thus needed some sewing therapy, I decided to put together another Tackle Bag by Kristin Link at Sew Mama Sew
Since spring seems to be rather elusive in these parts and we have seen several more inches of fresh snow in these parts this past week, I decided to go with this bright floral print I had tucked away in my fabric stash.  Isn't it just delicious?  I made me so happy to be working with this beautiful print. 
Between nap time and after bed time one evening I was able to get everything cut out and the outside pieces quilted.  It was so hard not to stay up until the wee hours of the morning working on this bag. 
 But I refrained (which ended up not being that hard to do since I realized I needed to run to JoAnn's in the morning to get the zippers for it!). Between nap time the next day and a little bit more time that next evening, I was able to finish this little beauty up! 
 I just want to smile when I look at it!  I LOVE how it turned out.  I also discovered that the second time through making this bag was much easier than the first time through. 
Too bad this adorable little bag isn't for me.  I have plans for it to find a nice home with a dear lady who has kindly be-friended me since we moved here to Michigan and who now finds her and her family re-locating to southern Michigan.  I hope she enjoys it and it brings a little hint of Spring to her. 

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