Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Quite Books - Page 1: Ribbon Pulling

I declare the next few days to be all about quiet books here on my blog.  Never fear though, I do have other projects in the works and will be posting things other than quiet books in the near future.  But for now, I'm going to jump right in and do a little show and tell of each of the 10 different pages I made for the two quiet books I just recently finished up. 
For the first page, I was inspired by a pin I stumbled across on Pinterest of this page by And Next Comes L. 
I love that this page is a really simple page to make and yet still provides for tons of sensory fun for a little one.  Below you can see the two different versions of this page that I made.  I did discover that next time I make this page, I definitely want to go with the darker colored felt so the ribbons can't be seen through the page. 
And that's a wrap for page 1.  Only nine more to go! ;)

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