Sunday, January 4, 2015

2015 Word

I know it's all ready a few days into the new year, but the last week and a half have been a bit of whirl wind of crazy around here.  Finally this evening after the craziness of Christmas, followed by an 8 day 1800 mile 4 state road-trip with two kiddos, followed by two days of unpacking, 8 loads of laundry, putting Christmas decorations away, massive house cleaning and organizing binge, I had a chance to just breathe as I was snuggling little Wiggles at bed time.
The past 18 months have been so full for me both in really good ways and in some pretty crappy ways.  As I take a moment to just breathe and look ahead to what this coming year could look like, I realize that I have to make some choices for myself.  Somewhere in the past 18 months, I've lost sight of who I am and where I want to be as a wife, a mother, a friend, a person....a child of God.  I hate having this lost feeling nagging at the back of my mind and in the deep dark places in my heart.
I've been seeing several people pick a word to claim as their word for the year - something to help give them direction, a goal, or a groundedness to their lives. I love this idea because well, I suck at making big resolutions that are just supposed to change something big overnight.  I love this idea of hanging onto a word that can help ground me because it seems more reflective of life - that little by little, things can change.  So I'm choosing "Choose" as my word for 2015 because I'm going to:
Choose to invest in those most precious to me - especially my husband and two boys
Choose to seek God in the quiet small moments of my life
Choose to be honest with myself about what I need and what my limitations are
Choose to forgive myself when I'm not "good enough" or when I fail
Choose to let go of things and people who are weighing me down and be ok with that
Choose to hang onto the good

I'm sure there will be moments when I forget to choose wisely, but I long to be like Mary who "has chosen what is better..." (Luke 10:42).  She chose to let everything else go in order to sit at Jesus' feet and soak in the moment she was given.

I know this is a bit off from my normal - albiet sporadic - sewing/crafting posts, but I needed to get this out there.  I do still want to post about my sewing projects when I get the chance, but I'm also choosing to be ok with it if I don't.
Wishing you all a New Year that is filled with many moments of peace.

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