Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Cabin Fever Spring Craft Market

Geepers, I can't believe that I've completely fallen off the grid on my blog for the last month or so.  Sometimes life is pretty boring, and sometimes life gets kind of crazy busy.  Crazy busy has been the story around here since mid-March.  And when life gets busy, this blog gets the short end of things.  So the biggest news is that we are buying a house and all the crazy that goes along with that!  Also, my husband's 30th birthday was here in mid-April, and I have a niece, nephew and son who all have birthdays between now and the end of May.  Lots and lots of birthday presents needing to be made!  Oh, and the weekend after Easter, I had a booth at a craft fair at Bayview Wesleyan Church in Traverse City. 
Last fall, I was part of the fall craft fair at the same venue and it considered it a success.  When the spring craft fair was announced, I decided to do it.  My sewing machine went into overdrive.
I ended up making 10 more Dolls and Daydreams Teddy Bears.
I designed my own bunny lovies and made three of them for the craft fair. 
 My toddler insisted I make him and baby each their own so they did get their own for Easter. 
Kelly of Kelbysews recently came out with a free pattern called the 1 Hour Basket.  It's a super cute fabric basket that's a little addictive to sew together.  I put together four of those for the craft fair also. 
 In an effort to start cleaning out my sewing space and get ready for a move, I pulled out a box that had some hidden WIPs in it such as this cute little drawstring bag (pattern by Jeni Baker of In Color Order).  The bag was all ready cut out and needed only a few minutes to get sewn together. 
 In that pile of WIPs, I also found eight of these medium Open Wide Zippered pouches (Pattern by Anna Graham of Noodle-Head) that were all ready all sewn together - they just needed the zipper end pulls attached to them.  A few minutes of sewing time and I had these ready to go too. 
 Remember the cute little Bigfoot I made for my husband?  yup, I decided to go ahead and use up what fluffy fabric I had left and made 5 more in time for the craft fair as well. 
 I needed to throw in a little easy sewing in the mad flurry of prep for the craft fair, so I put together a whole pile of fresh burp cloths and two more mustache baby blankets to add into the mix. 
 Oh yeah, I forgot to add that in the midst of all the craziness, my in-laws ended up coming out for a visit during my mother-in-law's spring break from school.  (It actually ended up working out well because they helped watch the boys while we had a few meetings with the realtor)  Needing some handwork to keep my fidgety fingers busy, I pulled out enough fabric from my scrap bin to start piecing together 2 large and 3 small pentagon patchwork play balls (tutorial by Abby Glassenberg of While She Naps).  I was able to finish one before the craft fair. 
I got the pentagons basted for the rest of the balls, and I took them with me to the craft fair.  I ended up finishing 3 of them during the down time the few times it was slow.  
 Phew!  I'm just tired from typing up everything I worked on for the Craft Fair!  But it was worth it.  The Craft Fair ended up being pretty successful and I made some good contacts for a few different craft fairs this coming fall.  What didn't well at the craft fair, is listed in my Etsy shop.
Hopefully, I'll keep posting when I can, just as I'm hoping to keep sewing as I can.  I'll try not to be a stranger ;)

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