Friday, May 11, 2012

The Adventure has all ready begun!

Usually a good story begin in the beginning and gradually unfolds. Well, not this one!
The adventure of my life has all ready begun and so far it has been a pretty terrific ride. Gradually as I go along, I will fill in and share more of what adventures I have all ready had. But for now, I am going to start from where I am in this moment in time.
My latest adventure and current obsession is sewing!
I grew up knowing the basics of sewing and a few years ago, my in-laws gave me a nice Singer Inspiration sewing machine. In theory, this is a pretty nice little machine. In practice....not so much and I have had very little luck with this sewing machine. The tension always seems off, and I always seemed to be spending more time trying to get it to sew a nice line than actually sewing a nice line! And then after cracking 2 bobbin cases in 4 months, I decided it was time for a new sewing machine! Especially since I had ended up just borrowing my next door neighbor's sewing machine and I didn't want to be doing that for forever.
I ended up finding a sweet little basic sewing machine at the Aurora Sewing Center in East Aurora, New York. (oh, a quick shout out to the ladies at the Aurora Sewing Center - they were so kind and helpful and not pushy at all in helping me to determine if my old machine was worth fixing and in helping me pick out a sewing machine that was in my budget and would meet my sewing needs!)
I LOVE my new sewing machine! It works! That in itself is enough to return all the joy to sewing. And even though I have only had it for less than a week, I have all ready been putting it to the test. I have all ready made a sunshade for my little baby Ben's stroller, 2 sleeper sacks for Ben since he is growing like a weed. And I have a bunch more projects piled up on my dinning room table (my makeshift sewing space) ready to go!
As a nice little side note.... the new sewing machine only came with a few basic feet, but the 8 or 9 fancier feet that I had with the old machine also fit on this machine so I'm very happy and excited about that!

Anyways.... The fun is just getting started! :)

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