Tuesday, June 25, 2013

4th Anniversary Celebration!

This weekend marks 4 years that my dear sweet husband and I have been married!  Its been a crazy four years, but there is no one else I want to be sharing life with! :) 
To celebrate this momentous occasion, we decided to try to get away for the weekend.  My mom so amazingly and graciously volunteered to watch Little Bear for the entire weekend so we could do something special!  I dropped him off at my parents' place in the country Friday morning.  
After running errands all day, I was ready for some fun by Friday evening.   Tim and I went into Downtown Buffalo and had dinner at a little restaurant on Pearl Street called Encore.  We love going there because the food is always fantastic and the atmosphere perfectly charming.  
After filling up on deliciousness, we drove over to Delaware Park to see the Shakespeare in the Park's production of "Hamlet". On our way to where the play is held, we passed the rose gardens in the park which were in full bloom and simply breathtaking.
It was a gorgeous evening to sit on a blanket on a hill enjoying Shakespeare's "Hamlet".
And of coarse the play wasn't complete without the oft quoted line of "To be or not to be!". 

The next day - Saturday - after being able to sleep in for a bit and actually get up at 5 am to use the bathroom without having to worry about waking up a sleeping toddler, we set off for a packed day of fun.  We first drove over to the Penn Yan are to visit The Windmill Farm & Craft Market.  I have only been there once before years ago with my sister and I've been longing to go back.  It's a fantastic place to go as there are so many little shops and delicious food to feat upon. 
Tim, of coarse, found the one shop that was selling model train stuff and had to check it out. 
One little shop was selling a vast array of hand puppets.  They had just about any and every kind of puppet you could think up.  We found this adorable hippopotamus that has a nice big mouth which Little Bear will just love.  Tim had to test him out while we were waiting for our lunch to make sure the puppet would be fun enough for Little Bear.  
Lunch was fantastic!  We filled up on Kettle Corn and Pizza and this humungous blooming onion! 
For our first dessert, we devoured these simple amazing fresh strawberries!  I forgot just how amazing strawberries taste when they are fresh from the farm and not the sad ones you buy at the grocery store. 
Second dessert was had when we stopped at Mac's Ice Cream Stand on our way from The Windmill to Waterloo.  This girl can never pass up a chance at delicious ice cream!

 After checking into the B&B where we were staying for the night (a cute little place called Through the Grapevine), we went over to Fuzzy Guppies where we rented a pair of kayaks and set out the Seneca River.  It was a perfect afternoon to spend some time kayaking on a calm river. 
 We even saw a doe swimming across the river at one point.  My camera was too slow and we were too far away to actually get a picture though. 
There is no one else I'd rather be kayaking with! ;) 
We paddles all the way up Seneca River to Kendig Creek which we decided to explore.  We came upon a whole gaggle of geese!  The baby geese were at the funny adolescent stage where they aren't so cute any more.  We did see a lot of other wild life on the rive such as turtles, ducks, lots of fish (some dead and some making loud splashes), two blue herrings, and a few other water birds. 
All to quickly, our kayaking adventure was over and we had to head back to Waterloo Harbor to return our kayaks.  
On to the last adventure for the day - dinner out at Belhurst Castle!  
 For those of you who don't know, my dear husband has a slight infatuation with castles.  Hence on most of our trips, we seem to somehow end up spending time at a castle.  Which is all right with me because I love castles too and its just fun to see my sweet husband get all silly and excited over them.   
We even go all dressed up for the occasion!  It was a lovely evening spent at the castle.  The dinner was very good and we even got a complimentary strawberry daiquiri cheesecake to celebrate our anniversary.  After dinner, we walked around the castle grounds for a while and spent time sitting on a bench overlooking Seneca Lake enjoying the view and watching the super moon as it rose in to the twilight sky.  
If I thought the day couldn't possibly contain any more, my sweet husband managed to score some serious brownie points with a nice foot rub once we got back to the B&B.  It was a very pleasant way to end a very special day!
The next morning we got to sleep in - again!!  And then we had the most delicious breakfast of puff pancakes, bacon, fresh fruit, fruit bread and more! 
All too soon (yet not soon enough as I was starting to really miss our Little Bear), it was time to pack our stuff back into the car and head home.  But not before snapping a quick picture of the purple roses they had growing in the garden outside the B&B. 

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