Friday, June 28, 2013

Graphic Gardens & Pigeon Poses

Don't you just love this fabric?  Its from a line called Graphic Gardens and I bought this when JoAnn's had it on sale this past spring.  I have to admit, I'm having a slight love affair with bright colors and greys as of late. :)  Anyways, I bought it with the intent of making a certain project out of it, but then I never got around to it and changed my mind so its been sitting in my stack of fabric for a few months longing to be brought out into the sun.  
I've been taking yoga classes over the past couple of months to help with some of my back issues and it has really been helping.  Well, I finally broke down and bought my own yoga mat.  I even found one that was extra long!  I no longer hang off of the mat while doing yoga! Ahhh the joys of being tall right?  Well, anyways, I digress. The yoga mat didn't come with a strap or bag so it was a little annoying to carry around as it kept wanting to unroll on me.  Yesterday afternoon, while I was snuggling with Little Bear watching Curious George, inspiration struck!  I could make my own yoga bag!  I took a quick look at my stash and new that this fabric would be perfect.  I measured up my yoga mat, sketched out a simple pattern and went to town cutting, ironing and sewing.  A mere 45 minutes later, I had the cutest yoga bag all sewn together. 
I just love this bag.  Its so cute and cherry and modern looking.  I can't wait for yoga class now to try it out! :)

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