Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Upcoming Quilting Project

If any of you are like me, it seems as though my list of projects that I want to do never seems to get any shorter!  As soon as I get one project finished, I find two more that I want to do!  At least this way I never have to wonder whats next or what to do with my spare time (whatever that might be).  
One of the projects that I have coming up soon that I am most excited about is a new quilt for my Little Bear!  He is getting so big on me so quickly and before I know it in a couple more months, we will be moving him into his very own big boy bed.  To make the move extra special for him, I want to put together brand new quilt made just for him.  And the best part about it is that I am sure no matter what pattern or fabric I use or how it turns out, I know that Little Bear will love it as he loves all blankets! 
I saw this forest animal print fabric on sale at JoAnn's and fell in love with it!  Isn't it just adorable?  The lady who cut it for me wanted me to make her a quilt too! hehe  Now I just have to get a few other projects finished up so I can get my hands on this lovely material!  I can not wait! :)

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