Saturday, June 15, 2013

A Box Full of Lovies!

The other day while driving back from running errands, I happened upon a yard sale that looked like it might warrant a closer look.  I ended up scoring a Fisher Price plastic toy boy for $5!  Granted, it needed some serious scrubbing, but it had potential.  Last night, after Little Bear went to bed, Tim and I took the box to the basement and gave it the good scrubbing it deserved.  The bottom of it was a lost cause but for what I had in mind, no bottom wasn't going to be an issue.  
After cleaning it up, drying it off, I took it into Little Bear's room and gathered all of his stuffed animals and lovies up and gave them all a new home.  At first, I just put all of his stuffed animals in there, but there were too many of them!  So I sorted out his puppets and put them in their own basket.  Now what animals were left fit just perfectly.  
This morning, I went in to get Little Bear up and before I could even pick him up, he was pointing to the new box full of lovies sitting next to his crib asking "What's that?".  I helped him out of his crib and he was instantly over to the bin of lovies showing them the proper love they deserved. 
I think he would willingly choose to sleep in that box if we would let him.
I call that $5 and some elbow grease well spent.

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