Friday, January 29, 2016

The Scrappy Flutterby Quilt

 Sometimes, you have a to do list a mile long of things you should be working on. And sometimes, that to do list seems stifling and uninspiring.  So sometimes, when a quilt block catches your eye, you stop everything and delve into your scrap bin and make a quilt just because you can.  This is what gets those creative juices flowing again.  And that was me this week. 
I had seen this lovely Flutterby block pop up on my Instagram feed and it was love at first sight!  I couldn't get it out of my head, so I ordered the book "Quilt Lovely" by Jen Kingwell which came in the mail this past Saturday, and by Sunday evening I had made my first test block for the Flutterby quilt.  I was even more in love with this quilt!  So even though there was a to do list of things I should be doing, this quilt jumped straight to the top of the list even though it has no end purpose other than I wanted to make it.
Tuesday was a snow day for us, which meant I was able to dump my scrap bin out on the kitchen table and get another 8 blocks plus the boarder cut out.  Gotta love when a quilt comes together all from stash like this one - especially when it makes a dent (albeit a rather small one) in my scrap bin.  The cute owl print that I used on the backing was even from my stash!
Wednesday saw the blocks being sewn into a quilt top and the boarders being sewn on.  And on Thursday, I managed to get the quilt basted, quilted up with my new favorite quilting ever - a simple stripple, and even bound.  I had a lot of fun binding this quilt as I pulled out my basket of binding scraps I've been saving and pieced together a bunch of them to making a scrappy binding that matched the scrappy vibe this quilt has. 
By Friday morning, all I had left was to sew on my label and run it through the wash.  Gotta love fresh out of the dryer crinkly goodness.  :)  Somehow the kids and the sun were both behaving at the same time this afternoon, so I dashed outside to snap a few pictures of this super bright quilt. 
I love the contrast of this cheery quilt against the snow and the long ice-cycles. 
And now, I even managed to get a blog post put together and up on my blog while it's still Friday afternoon!  And and and - I think I decided to put this quilt up for sale in my Etsy shop because while I LOVE this quilt, I don't really need it either. ;)  You can find the listing for it here.  This has got to be a new record! :) 
Linking up with Amanda Jean over at Crazy Mom Quilts for Finish It Up Friday! Happy Weekend, ya'll!


  1. Wow you had a great week. this is beautiful!

  2. What a gorgeous block! I love the colors you chose.

  3. Oh this is sooo nice! It just looks like leaping and dancing to me! I am so glad I tracked this down from IG! It is super amazing in the Jeni Baker fabrics too! Great photos! You make such fun quilts! And bunnies :)
