Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Scrappy Crossroads Quilt - Round 2

After making the first Scrappy Crossroads Quilt, I was inspired/driven/obsessed crazy woman on a mission to clean up my scrap basket and cut up all those random scraps into squares (2.5" and 5") for more scrappy quilts or into sizes for some new zippered pouches that I'll eventually get around to making and posting on my Etsy shop (see what I mean about my in progress project list getting long...).  
 The two piles on the front left of the above picture are about 1/3 of the scraps I sorted through.  You can see the nicely stacked piles of scrappy squares at the top of the picture.  I ended up with two stacks of 2.5" squares about 12 inches tall!  It was time for round two of the Scrappy Crossroads Quilt - this time in boy colors and prints. 
I pulled all of the orange, yellow, blue, green, boy novelty prints, and a few black and red squares as well.  Wow - it's going to be one fun and bright quilt!  I cut up some Kona Coal (my current solid big time crush) to use for the background blocks hoping that maybe it will help to tone down some of the brightness of the quilt.  I spent a few minutes here and there on Saturday playing with the arrangement of the scrappy squares, sewing the squares all together and making the easy corner triangle blocks.  
Sunday dawn to an overcast sky and shortly after we got back home from church, the storm clouds had officially moved in and it ended up raining and thunderstorming off and on for the rest of the day.  Which meant that we didn't do very much around our house so during nap time, I delved back into sewing together the top of this quilt.  With a few breaks for food, a mad dash to JoAnn's for their 70% coupon (good only Sunday) on all of their sewing notions (I scored 6 bottles of spray baste for the price of 2!!), and the boys' bath time, I kept working on this quilt all afternoon and into the evening.  After the boys' bed time, I was able to quickly spray baste the quilt and go to town on quilting it!
I just did a simple straightline quilting pattern on this quilt and since its a baby sized quilt, it didn't take long at all to quilt.  I also had the binding all done, so before going to bed I got that sewn on as well which meant I got this Scrappy Crossroads Version 2 quilt done before bedtime.  Although I did stay up a little later than I should have, it was still so very worth it.  :) 
The next morning, Little Bear found it sitting on the table all done and instantly had to claim it as him own long enough to drag it around the living room and through his toys for a bit before he promptly moved on to other things like his lucky charms breakfast cereal! hehe 
 Thankfully, the sun decided to come out during the boys' naptime so I was able to snap a few good pictures of it. 
 I just love how bright and fun this quilt is.  And it is cool to see how different fabric choices can make the same quilt pattern look so very different. 
Although my boys would most likely love this quilt, they both all ready have more quilts and blankets than they know what to do with, so this quilt is all ready listed in my Etsy shop waiting for a new home.

Stay tuned for more sewing madness ;)


1 comment:

  1. Love your quilt, and scraps are just so much fun, think folk forget that you can create amazing things with them. I love how everything melds together and just makes you smile :)
