Tuesday, March 17, 2015


There are some things that honestly would normally hold very little fascination for me....But, because I'm married to my dear sweet and sometimes odd husband, I've slowly become at least amused by a few things that my husband finds fascinating.  Big Foot, Sasquatch, Yeti, the Michigan Dogman....yeah, I don't get the fascination.  But my husband is fascinated (thankfully, not to a fanatical level), and it's possible that over the years some of his fascination has rubbed off a little.
Anyways, I found this fuzzy brown fabric in the Joann's remnant bin for a song and decided to play around with making a Bigfoot for my husband's upcoming birthday.
I kind of winged it as I went, using some previous softie making and my imagination as a guide.  During one of the boys' nap times, I whipped this little guy together using the brown fuzzy fabric, and some felt and poly-fil I had on hand.
He actually turned out pretty darn cute - although I'm not sure Bigfoot is supposed to be cute.  hehe

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